Southampton Home Interiors

Cary Quarles


The Four Day Kitchen Renovation


Laguna Beach Cottage cir 1934

 Landscaping installed early September. Photo taken early March

Floyd Ave Porch

It Doesn't Have Be Pretty

                                Just has to be a brick in the wall.


California Dreaming...not so much

 The past year spent in South Orange County was a great run but there's no place like home.
This is where I grew up and for a while I took for granted how absolutely beautiful it is. From my sisters home I rode to the peak on the left and back. All along the way there are views like this.  
 Now back in Richmond with plenty to do. I began again where I left off last year as my last job before I drove to California. I have wanted to rip this deck out for about 15 years. This chain saw and some help getting the pieces to a couple of dumpsters took very little time. Plus who doesn't want to go all chainsaw massacre once in a while?
This is one way to keep the Jehovah Witnesses from knocking on your door. 
Flying in the dumpsters between parked cars makes the neighbors a little nervous. Everybody had their parking spots back by the end of the day.


A Busy Couple Of Weeks

Catherine Fisk's counter top/backsplash project went in on time as promised.
Then I got a call from Lisa in Newport Beach to come over and have a look at her loft and pictures of ladders she found in magazines. A couple of days later and her son has a cool new usable space in his room.


Chicken Coop For The Soul

This is Herb (in blue tee.) We go back a very long way and haven't seen each other in 35 years. Facebook does wonderful things and this is just one example. We got together in LA to build his amazing daughter a chicken coop. Jess got to hear stories about her dad that could have only been told at this time in her life and during a project like this. So this isn't just any old chicken coop.